Saturday, June 30, 2012
Stereographic Drawings by Dain Fagerholm
Sometimes you just stumble across something that is so odd and peculiar
that you must, nay, you are compelled to share it with the world. That
is how I felt when I saw these strange, yet, adorable illustrations by Dain Fagerholm.
These drawings give the impression that they are in 3D with subtle
movements back and forth. You wouldn’t think such energy could be found
in these animated gifs with such a small movement and you might be right
if these characters (creatures) weren’t so wonderful. You can imagine a
story being told about each creature that appears to be coming off the
computer screen. Much like the cinemagraphs we showed you, these pictures can be admired for quite some time (Internet time) and leave you thoughtful for a bit longer

Top 10 Memorable Days of the 20th Century
Eleven years into the new millennium and it’s still interesting (and fun)
to look back and remember the history of the previous hundred years. Our
current circumstances, both good and bad, find a foundation that was laid in
the 20th century. From tragedy to triumph, the 20th century offers up a
wealth of timeless memories that helped shape the future. Here are ten of
the most memorable days from the 20th century.
December 7, 1941 (Attack on Pearl Harbor)

In the words of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, December 7 is a “date that will live in infamy.” 70 years later, these words are as true as they were when they were first uttered. The world of 1941 was engulfed, or on the verge of being engulfed, in war. The armies of Adolf Hitler had conquered the vast majority of Europe, and the armed forces of Imperial Japan had done much of the same in Asia and the Pacific. America, attempting mightily to maintain its neutrality, felt safe in the knowledge that two oceans separated it from the Axis powers.
Japan had other notions, however. At about 8:00 am on Sunday morning, planes from Japanese carriers struck the naval base at Pearl Harbor – home of the American Pacific fleet. The attack lasted less than two hours, during which the Japanese sank eight American battle ships, damaged to various degrees at least 13 other sips, and destroyed a number of planes. The impact of the attack was swift and immediate. America was in shock and angry, and all thoughts of being neutral vanished from the national consciousness. America declared war on Japan the next day (December 8) and the rest, as they say, is history.
9. November 22, 1963 (Assassination of JFK)

The Kennedy family has been referred to as “America’s Royal Family”, because of the special affinity that these iconic figures have in the hearts of many Americans. No Kennedy has been more beloved than John F. Kennedy. A former naval officer during World War II, US congressman, and US Senator, JFK was elected to the office of President of the United States in 1960. His leadership would be instrumental in America’s initial involvement in Vietnam, the handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and aiding the Civil Rights Movement.
His time in office would tragically end during a campaign trip to Dallas, Texas. As he and his wife were being carried to a luncheon in an open convertible, three shots were fired. Two of the shots hit the President (one in the neck and another in the head). JFK was pronounced dead a few hours later. The country was in shock at such a brazen attack on the leader of the free world. Scenes of the assassination were captured in video. The assassin was believed to be Lee Harvey Oswald, who was arrested and subsequently murdered while in custody, before any trial was held. Conspiracy theories still abound concerning this assassination.
8. April 4, 1968 (Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.)

The Civil Rights Movement in the United States defined an entire generation of Americans. In the struggle for equality, the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stands above the rest. Indeed, Dr. King’s tireless efforts on behalf of the people of color are legendary and are a tribute to the ability of selfless sacrifice for a noble cause. While not everyone agreed with Dr. King and his non-violent approach, he nevertheless succeeded in bringing the plight of injustice and inequality to the forefront of the national consciousness.
At the height of his work, Dr. King’s life came to a tragic end at the hands of an assassin. While standing on a hotel balcony in Memphis, Tennessee, it is believed that James Earl Ray took aim at Dr. King with a high powered, scoped rifle, and ended his life. Ray was eventually convicted of the assassination and sentenced to 99 years in prison. The immediate impact of the death of Dr. King, however, was tragically played out, as angry Americans took to the streets, rioting in over 100 cities around the country. Today, America honors the great service and life of Dr. King with a national holiday.
7. July 20, 1969 (Moon Landing)

When the Eagle landed on the moon, an entire nation rejoiced. The idea of space travel has captured the imagination of every child (and quite a few adults) since the first person looked up and gazed at the stars. For the generation of Americans that were coming to age in the 1950s, the possibility of space exploration became very real with the arrival of Sputnik (the first orbital satellite, launched by the Soviet Union in 1957).
Indeed, from this point, a national race to space was being carried out between the United States and the Soviet Union. In 1960, President Kennedy boldly announced that America would land on the moon within a decade. He wasn’t wrong. As millions of Americans (and really folks from around the world, as well) watched their televisions, astronaut Neil Armstrong exited the lunar module that had landed on the surface of the moon a few hours prior. America had made it to the moon first and, during a time of social upheaval and uncertainty, the injection of the national pride was a welcome relief. Armstrong’s famous words, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” continue to ring true, as the world looks towards the heavens for continued exploration.
6. January 28, 1986 (Challenger Disaster)

With success, there is also failure, and this is certainly the case with the American space program. While the program has had a number of fatal disasters, none was more graphically tragic than the fate that befell the space shuttle Challenger. When the Challenger launched on the fateful day of January 28, there was not much fanfare or coverage of the event. Space shuttle launches had become commonplace in the minds of both Americans and newscasters alike. Nevertheless, the cameras were rolling and captured, 73 seconds into Challenger’s takeoff, the space shuttle exploding. All seven crewpersons were killed, including a “civilian” (school teacher Christa McAuliffe) that had been trained to ride along.
With space travel becoming a commonplace occurrence, many couldn’t understand how such tragedy could take place. Investigations and finger-pointing ensued, and the space shuttle program was shut down for two years.
5. October 29, 1929 (Stock Market Crash)

With today’s economy being what it is, many may feel that it’s as bad as it ever has been. And while conditions today are certainly worrisome to many, it pales in comparison to the years of the Depression the nation faced in the late 1920s and 30s. Those years were set in motion as a result of the stock market crash in 1929.
During the period between 1927 and 1929, wealthy Americans began investing heavily in the stock market, and realizing very lucrative returns. This set off a flurry of activity, as many believed that anyone could get rich by investing in the stock market. Soon, stocks were becoming highly inflated beyond the actual worth of the companies they represented. Further, many investors began to invest on “margin”, which meant they were borrowing the money to pay for stocks, in the hope that they would be able to sell those stocks at a high enough price to repay the loan.
The speculation bubble burst in October of 1929, and the sell-off began. On October 29, the value of stocks fell an estimated $10 to $15 billion. The value that the market had accumulated in the previous two years was wiped out, and total losses were over $30 billion. It would take over a decade, and a World War, for the nation to recover.
4. November 9, 1989 (Tearing Down Of The Berlin Wall)

The Berlin Wall had stood as a chilling reminder to the world of the brewing “cold war” that was being carried out, primarily between the United States and the Soviet Union. Nuclear devastation was a constant reality as the world’s two superpowers faced off with one another. The Berlin Wall was built in 1961 as a means to prevent citizens of East Germany escaping to the west. This continuing exodus was draining East Germany (a puppet regime of the Soviet Union) of human resources, as well as being an embarrassment to Communist-oriented governments.
As the economic weight of maintain vast armed forces began to have a dire effect on the Soviet Union, political instability among Communist nations made the wall irrelevant. The Cold War was over, and so was the “life” of its most visible symbol. It began with average citizens of East Germany starting to pull down whole sections of the wall (without interference from government forces – which was on the verge of political collapse anyway). What started as a demonstration of sorts, morphed into an all-out effort to take the wall down. The next year, Germany was reunified as a single nation.
3. April 18, 1906 (San Francisco Earthquake)

The “Big One” has been the subject of more than a few big-budget disaster movies. While Hollywood has taken full advantage of the movie-going public’s taste for the dramatic, scientists and other concerned officials have long been concerned when the next disaster will strike. The question is not “if”, but rather “when” the next Big One will occur.
In this light, the devastating earthquake that struck San Francisco over 100 years ago still keeps the residents along the major fault lines on the American West Coast wary. For its part, the San Francisco quake seems like a scene taken right out a modern disaster movie. Registering an incredible 7.9 on the Richter scale, it is among the most powerful earthquakes ever recorded. Well over 3000 people lost their lives, and several thousands more were injured.
The property damage was vast (an estimated 28,000 buildings were destroyed). Not only did the quake itself destroy buildings and other structures, but the resulting fires caused widespread carnage. To make matters worse, large tidal waves formed by the quake struck the city, causing further devastation. The San Francisco quake remains one of the deadliest disasters in American history.
2. August 6, 1945 (Hiroshima)

The dawn of the Atomic Age began with the deaths of 60,000+ residents of the city of Hiroshima, Japan. America (and its allies), having already defeated Nazi Germany and fascist Italy, now faced the very daunting task of bringing final defeat to Imperial Japan. The task would not be an easy one, as the Japanese had proved formidable in defending their home islands. It was estimated that well over 1 million American service men would lose their lives in an invasion of Japan.
As a result, it was decided to use a nuclear device in order to force Japan into total surrender. The first device (a second bomb was dropped in the city of Nagasaki) was dropped from an American Army Air Force bomber (the Enola Gay). Most of the city was destroyed, and many of those not killed outright would either succumb to injuries later or become homeless. To this day, thousands gather at the site where the bomb exploded for an annual interfaith memorial service. The destruction of Hiroshima stands as a vivid reminder of the terrible cost of the use of nuclear weapons.
1. January 1, 2000 (The New Millennium)

The first day of the 21st century wasn’t ushered in with quite the panic that many had imagined. Conspiracy theorist, cult leaders, and even to a certain degree, the general public; all were predicting…something to happen when the clock struck 12:01 am. There was widespread concern, for example, of the so-called Y2K bug that was supposed to incapacitate computers that were running Microsoft-operating systems. Others were predicting an expecting apocalyptic disasters, the end of the world, the return of Jesus Christ, and other phenomenon.
None of these things panned out, and the New Year came and went without any significant change to life on Earth. The cable music channel MTV2, however, did play Prince’s music video “1999” non-stop for 24 hours. That was pretty amazing! Still, everyone remembers where they were when they welcomed a new century, and that’s pretty cool, too!
Best Driver
So this is it, the
final ten. But what order do they finish in, and which is the greatest drivers'
car of all? We took them to you favourite Welsh roads to find out
Decisions have to be made and scores awarded. Never in all
of the group tests and eCotys over the years have I seen so much agonising.
Usually there might be a split, but individuals will know in their own minds
which is the winner for them. This time everyone seems to have two or three
cars that they want to see sharing the top step.
But it isn’t the Evo VI Tommi Makinen Edition, which ends up
four-wheel drifting its way to tenth place in the top 100. ‘It’s brilliant when
you’re on it, but just a bit ordinary when you’re pootling around,’ says
Barker. Simister was very impressed by its ‘steering, handling and remarkably
absorbent ride’ and admits that the Makinen is ‘a truly lovely Evo’, even
though he ‘doesn’t really get the whole Evo cult thing’. Metcalfe sums it up
with: ‘A very desirable bit of kit if you like this sort of thing, but I think
greater driver rewards are to be found elsewhere.’
Ninth is the Mazda MX-5. Everyone admired the balance and
accessibility of the Mazda. ‘Light, delicate, agile, adjustable, comfortable. A
car that sets itself realistic targets and hits every one plumb in the middle,’
says Vivian. But as Metcalfe comments, ‘There isn’t enough fire in its belly,’
so you enjoy it rather than get excited about it.
Screaming into equal seventh place at 9000rpm is – and this
might be a shock – the Ferrari F50. ‘Old school’ was a phrase used by most and
‘wide’ was another word that cropped up a lot. ‘It is very hard, noisy and
mechanical, but unerringly honest and communicative,’ says Vivian, before
declaring it ‘a proper, hairy-balled supercar’. Which goes some way to
explaining why Hayman loved it and has it third on his list (written on the
back of a packet of Lambert & Butler).
By the way, if any of the comments as we run down the final
ten seem harsh or nitpicking, that’s because they are. They have to be. This is
the top ten – all these cars are brilliant and wonderful to drive. Don’t be
upset that your F50 has only come seventh – we’re not denigrating, merely
differentiating. Now, on to the truly rubbish Clio Trophy. Only joking.
It’s equal on points with the Ferrari, but if there was a
prize for enthusiasm then the Clio would win hands down. It isn’t the most pure
or sophisticated car here but it is ridiculous fun. The suspension seems to
have oodles of pitch and roll and what Hales describes as ‘a lot going on in
the transients’ (like when changing
direction), but the only time it really loses out is when people start
talking about another Renault…
Time-warping into sixth place is the Elan. ‘It is a fluent
joy and its small size makes it very handy on tight roads,’ says the equally
diminutive Simister. ‘The mechanical grip it can create from such minuscule
tyres is little short of miraculous and the liberties you can take are little
short of astonishing,’ says Metcalfe. That the original showed Mazda’s modern
incarnation a clean pair of heals might seem incredible, but the genius of
Colin Chapman should never be underestimated.
The Mégane R26.R is the fifth greatest drivers’ car. ‘A
beautifully sorted front-wheel-drive car,’ enthuses Hales. ‘The slightly larger
dimensions [than the Clio] make all the difference to the way the chassis
reacts and the way it puts down the power.’ Barker goes further still: ‘Magic
from the moment the wheels turn to when they come to rest again. Exceptional
damping and everything else matches – grip, steering feel and weight…
Which takes us into the final four. You really could make a
case for any one of these cars winning, but the scores show that in fourth
place it’s the Caterham Seven. Barker, Hayman and I all had it top of our lists
for its purity and the fact that you can’t get any closer to actually being
connected to a car when driving. But Hales best sums up its brilliance and also
why it doesn’t win: ‘There’s no denying the wonderful steering, which is sharp
and more direct than the thought which commands it, or the way the front points
without scaring you, or the way the tail then announces the onset of a slide
while inviting you to keep your foot in. However, not everybody wants to be
deafened and shaken, then probably soaked as well.’
Many would have tipped the GT3 to win, but Stuttgart will
have to settle for third this time. I have to confess that I love the 996 GT3
so much that I’ve spent long evenings thinking about spending what I was saving
for a house deposit on a swoopy spoilered wonder instead. But as Barker says,
‘Although it is a drivers’ car for life – everyday practical, and with a depth of
quality and reward that you would never tire of – it felt a bit “muffled” after
the lightweights.’
If being the greatest drivers’ car meant having the world’s
best steering then the Lotus 340R (or any mk1 Elise/Exige) would be standing on
the top step. ‘The 340R is like an Elise turned up to 11,’ says unlikely Spinal
Tap fan Metcalfe. ‘The chassis composure when really pushed is beyond
brilliant; it’s close to unbelievable’. John Simister has the 340R at the top
of his list ‘for its speed, purity, transparency and compactness. It provides a
huge visceral buzz yet doesn’t assault you with the wrong sort of “noise”.’
‘Sublime,’ says Barker.
And so, with a drum roll provided by art director Paul Lang
via the medium of his hands and the plastic rear windows of the Mégane, it is
an honour to announce the winner as… the Pagani Zonda F. Here’s how the praise
stacks up. ‘A car that can comfortably live up to all the hype,’ says Metcalfe.
‘A supercar you really can drive as if it was an Elise, yet which gives you the
full-scale Panavision, HD, Technicolor supercar experience. A car to melt the
heart of the coldest, most stubborn supercar critic…’ says Barker, before
handing over to that very critic in the form of Simister, who admits that ‘it
appears to weigh nothing, it’s both visceral and forgiving and you feel in
total control’. ‘Overwhelming, shattering, utterly addictive,’ concludes
When you see a Zonda it is easy to treat it as art,
something to be looked at and occasionally driven between backdrops, but next
time try to look past all the carbonfibre confection because underneath is a
truly, wonderfully fabulous drivers’ car. The greatest, in fact.
* This is the much shortened online-sympathetic version of
the Top Ten Shootout. Full uncut version available in issue 135. Back issues
hotline 0844 844 0039
Huge thanks to Joe Macari Performance Cars for the F50 (for
their latest stocklist visit joemacari.com), Darragh Walsh for the GT3, Chris
Short for the Evo, Peter Esders for the MX-5 and Leigh for the Zonda F.
Candace Cameron Bure's Struggle to Get Healthy
Candace Cameron Bure, 34, best known for her role as DJ Tanner on the sitcom Full House,
struggled with bulimia after the show's eight-year run ended. Moving
from California to Montreal to live with her husband, hockey player
Valeri Bure, was a life-altering experience, and she sought comfort and
fulfillment in food. Now, 15 years later, Cameron Bure has a healthy
relationship with food and fitness, and has never felt better. Her story
and inspirational strategies from her new book, Reshaping It All: Motivation for Physical and Spiritual Fitness,
stress the importance of spirituality and understanding to living a
well-rounded, healthy life. Today she lives in Los Angeles with Valeri
and their three children, Natasha, Lev, and Maksim. She stars in Make It or Break It, whose third season premiered March 28. She also appears alongside David James Elliott in the upcoming TV film Truth Be Told, premiering April 16 on Fox.

Struggling with bulimia
I didn't have an eating disorder when I was on Full House. My unhealthy relationship with food had nothing to do with physical insecurities, but emotional issues I was struggling with after getting married, moving to a new city, and no longer working. Almost every element of my life had radically changed. I was happy to be a newlywed and to be at home, but my husband traveled a lot and I found myself very lonely at times. I turned to food as a comforter. Like anyone struggling with an eating disorder, it easily took over. I felt out of control, like I wasn't the one making choices. At my worst, binging and purging felt like an automatic response to the emotions I was feeling. Somehow, it made me feel like I was able to regain control.
Overcoming her eating disorder
I didn't go through treatment to get help, but experienced two major turning points before I began to change my ways. The first time, I was caught purging. The shame and humiliation of being caught forced me to quit. It was such an embarrassing thing to go through and really stopped me in my tracks. I felt like I was dishonoring and displeasing the people around me. I didn't necessarily understand how unhealthy my actions were. A few years later, I had a relapse. That was the actual turning point for me because I finally realized that I was using food as a comforter. Every time something was tough in my life, I was turning to food instead of God. When my relationship with God became strong, I realized how I was filling voids in my life with food.
I didn't go through treatment to get help, but experienced two major turning points before I began to change my ways. The first time, I was caught purging. The shame and humiliation of being caught forced me to quit. It was such an embarrassing thing to go through and really stopped me in my tracks. I felt like I was dishonoring and displeasing the people around me. I didn't necessarily understand how unhealthy my actions were. A few years later, I had a relapse. That was the actual turning point for me because I finally realized that I was using food as a comforter. Every time something was tough in my life, I was turning to food instead of God. When my relationship with God became strong, I realized how I was filling voids in my life with food.
How to Get Your Metabolism Moving
Does your metabolism grind to a halt after 35? Can certain foods rev it up? Answers ahead—and they’re good.

Here’s something to feel good about: Your body is a calorie-burning
machine. You’ll even torch a few while reading this article. The point
is, every single thing you do—from breathing to eating to sleeping—uses
energy. The number of calories it would take just to lie in bed all day
is called your resting metabolic rate. And just like your curly hair or
warm personality, yours is unique.
"There are so many factors that determine your metabolic rate," says Janet Rankin, PhD, professor of human nutrition, foods, and exercise at Virginia Tech. Among them: your height and weight (bigger people burn more calories), your gender (women have slower metabolisms than men), your age (your metabolic rate declines as you get older), how much muscle or fat you have (muscle burns more calories than fat does), and your DNA.
Although you can’t rewire your double helix or switch back the clock, there’s still plenty you can do to be a fast burner, Rankin says. All you need to do is remember these four research-backed truths.
Cardio revs your metabolism for hours afterward
Resistance training often hogs the metab-boosting spotlight. It’s no wonder, since a pound of muscle at rest fries three times as many calories as a pound of fat. However, cardio is every bit as crucial for keeping your metabolism humming. New research explains why: In a study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, people pedaled a stationary bike as hard as they could for 47 minutes. The finding: They slashed 190 calories above their resting metabolic rate for 14 hours after their workout. Add that to the 519 calories, on average, the cyclists scorched from the workout itself, and that’s one heck of a sweat session. "If you do just two to three vigorous bouts of exercise per week for 45 minutes, you could lose a pound of fat every two weeks from the combination of calories expended during exercise plus what you burn afterward," says study author David Nieman, PhD, a professor of exercise science at Appalachian State University.
So how can you tell if you’re pushing hard enough? Any sweat-inducing activity you can sustain for 45 minutes will do the trick.
Skimping on sleep stalls your calorie-burning
You’d think that more hours awake means more opportunities to sizzle calories, but the truth is that more sleep makes for a quicker metab. In fact, a single sleepless night reduces your resting metabolic rate by about 5% several hours into the next day, according to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. What’s more, the morning after skipping sleep you burn 20% fewer calories from diet-induced thermogenesis—the number of calories your body uses to break down and digest food.
As if that wasn’t enough to encourage you to power down your iPad early, scientists have found that women consume 329 more calories, on average, after snoozing for four hours than they do when they sleep for nine. To keep your cravings in check while preventing your engine from sputtering, try to get seven to eight hours of sleep per night.
"There are so many factors that determine your metabolic rate," says Janet Rankin, PhD, professor of human nutrition, foods, and exercise at Virginia Tech. Among them: your height and weight (bigger people burn more calories), your gender (women have slower metabolisms than men), your age (your metabolic rate declines as you get older), how much muscle or fat you have (muscle burns more calories than fat does), and your DNA.
Although you can’t rewire your double helix or switch back the clock, there’s still plenty you can do to be a fast burner, Rankin says. All you need to do is remember these four research-backed truths.
Cardio revs your metabolism for hours afterward
Resistance training often hogs the metab-boosting spotlight. It’s no wonder, since a pound of muscle at rest fries three times as many calories as a pound of fat. However, cardio is every bit as crucial for keeping your metabolism humming. New research explains why: In a study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, people pedaled a stationary bike as hard as they could for 47 minutes. The finding: They slashed 190 calories above their resting metabolic rate for 14 hours after their workout. Add that to the 519 calories, on average, the cyclists scorched from the workout itself, and that’s one heck of a sweat session. "If you do just two to three vigorous bouts of exercise per week for 45 minutes, you could lose a pound of fat every two weeks from the combination of calories expended during exercise plus what you burn afterward," says study author David Nieman, PhD, a professor of exercise science at Appalachian State University.
So how can you tell if you’re pushing hard enough? Any sweat-inducing activity you can sustain for 45 minutes will do the trick.
Skimping on sleep stalls your calorie-burning
You’d think that more hours awake means more opportunities to sizzle calories, but the truth is that more sleep makes for a quicker metab. In fact, a single sleepless night reduces your resting metabolic rate by about 5% several hours into the next day, according to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. What’s more, the morning after skipping sleep you burn 20% fewer calories from diet-induced thermogenesis—the number of calories your body uses to break down and digest food.
As if that wasn’t enough to encourage you to power down your iPad early, scientists have found that women consume 329 more calories, on average, after snoozing for four hours than they do when they sleep for nine. To keep your cravings in check while preventing your engine from sputtering, try to get seven to eight hours of sleep per night.
Texas Children’s Hospital
Texas Children’s Hospital pioneers use of MRI-guided laser surgery for revolutionary new epilepsy treatment
New procedure significantly reduces risk of patient complications and recovery time
- July 18, 2011 - Texas Children’s Hospital is the first hospital in
the world to use real-time MRI-guided thermal imaging and laser
technology to destroy lesions in the brain that cause epilepsy and uncontrollable seizures. According to hospital experts, this new surgical approach offers a safer and significantly less invasive alternative to craniotomy, currently the most commonly used cranial surgical treatment for epilepsy. For high-risk patients with deep brain lesions, this new technique can be particularly life-changing because the MRI-guided laser probe utilizes a much smaller pathway through the brain to reach a deep lesion. This reduces the risk of patient complications related to contact with surrounding brain tissue. In addition, the MRI-guided laser probe is inserted through a hole in the skull that is only 3.2 mm (about the diameter of a pen) versus the removal of a larger area of skull bone for a craniotomy. Because it is a less invasive procedure, patient recovery time is much shorter.
More than three million people in the U.S. are affected by epilepsy, including about 300,000 children under the age of 14. Uncontrollable seizures can affect a child’s memory, concentration, motor skills, school performance and quality of life. Drug therapies control seizures in about 60 percent of those with epilepsy. Invasive craniotomy, nerve stimulation and special diets are treatment options for patients who do not respond to medication.
“Based on our experience, we believe the use of MRI-guided laser surgery will change the face of epilepsy treatment and provide a life-changing option for many epilepsy surgery candidates --- both children and adults,” said Dr. Angus Wilfong, director of Texas Children’s comprehensive epilepsy program and associate professor of pediatrics and neurology at Baylor College of Medicine.
The first surgeries were performed by Dr. Daniel Curry, Texas Children’s director of pediatric surgical epilepsy and functional neurosurgery and assistant professor of neurological surgery at Baylor College of Medicine, with Dr. Wilfong.
Five surgeries using this MRI-guided laser procedure have been successfully performed at Texas Children’s Hospital on pediatric epilepsy patients ranging in age from five to 15 years old, with widely varied types of brain lesions. In all cases, patients have been seizure-free since surgery and most were released within one to five days.
“While we have been successful in curing epilepsy through open cranial surgery for quite some time, the benefits of this new approach in reducing risk and invasiveness while providing instant therapeutic effect may open the door for more epilepsy patients to see surgery as a viable option,” said Curry.
The surgery is performed by first mapping the area of the brain where the lesion is located using magnetic resonance imaging. The catheter is inserted through the skull in the operating room and then the patient is transferred to an MRI unit where the ablation of the lesion is performed. The MRI confirms probe placement in the target, and the magnetic resonance thermal imaging allows the surgeon to see the ablation of the lesion by the laser heat as it happens with an automatic feedback system that shuts the laser off when the heat approaches nearby critical brain structures.
Wilfong noted that MRI-guided laser surgery has been successfully used in treating brain tumors and that he and Curry saw that its same attributes would apply to deep seated epilepsy-causing lesions. The neurologist and neurosurgeon introduced a first-of-its-kind trial of the treatment to pediatric epilepsy patients at the Blue Bird Circle Clinic for Pediatric Neurology at Texas Children’s Hospital.
Changing the life of a young patient
A recent example of the effectiveness of this new surgery is nine-year-old Texas Children’s Hospital patient Keagan Dysart, of Converse, Texas, who suffered from two types of epileptic seizures when he was diagnosed with a hypothalamic hamartoma in his brain. The gelastic seizure caused him to giggle and laugh uncontrollably two or three times an hour. Keagan would also periodically experience a tonic seizure, with generalized body stiffening and loss of awareness that caused him to fall asleep for sometimes up to an hour afterward. Keagan’s case was particularly high risk because his lesion was located in the hypothalamus, near the brain stem. In this highly sensitive region, there are a myriad of potential, serious complications from surgery including loss of sight, damage to the pituitary gland, stroke from artery damage or development of diabetes insipidus (DI), a potentially fatal condition where the kidneys are unable to conserve water because of disruption to the area of the brain that releases the body’s anti-diuretic hormone.
The location, size and complexity of Keagan’s brain lesion made him an ideal candidate for the new surgical procedure, which was successfully performed in March without any surgical complications. He is now seizure-free.
“Knowing the complexity of Keagan’s case, the decision to go forward with this surgery was the toughest decision and the best decision we ever made,” said Khris Dysart, Keagan’s father.
Ranked among the nation’s top four hospitals for pediatric neurology and neurosurgery by U.S. News & World Report, Texas Children’s Hospital provides specialty care for a wide range of neurological disorders delivered by leading experts. Equally committed to leadership in research, the hospital also operates the Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute at Texas Children’s Hospital, the first institute in the world devoted to basic research of childhood neurological diseases including extensive research on epilepsy.
About Texas Children's Hospital
Texas Children’s Hospital, a not-for-profit organization, is committed to creating a community of healthy children through excellence in patient care, education and research. Consistently ranked among the top children’s hospitals in the nation, Texas Children’s has recognized Centers of Excellence in multiple pediatric subspecialties including the Cancer and Heart Centers, and operates the largest primary pediatric care network in the country. Texas Children's has completed a $1.5 billion expansion, which includes the Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute; Texas Children’s Pavilion for Women, a comprehensive obstetrics/gynecology facility focusing on high-risk births; and Texas Children’s Hospital West Campus, a community hospital in suburban West Houston. For more information on Texas Children's, go to www.texaschildrens.org. Get the latest news from Texas Children’s by visiting the online newsroom and on Twitter at twitter.com/texaschildrens.
Austin Surgical Hospital
Welcome to Austin Surgical Hospital - Your Austin Hospital
Austin Surgical Hospital is dedicated to providing superior patient care in a comfortable, safe and peaceful environment.
We know you have a choice in the selection of facilities for
your healthcare needs and we appreciate the opportunity to care for you.
By offering distinguished surgeons, spacious and private patient rooms,
and individualized care from our specialized staff, Austin Surgical
Hospital has become the hospital Austin trusts for superior healthcare.
Working together with Austin's board certified surgeons, our hospital is
committed to innovation and clinical quality. Austin Surgical Hospital
is an Austin regional hospital with a 23-bed facility that offers the
best quality care in the area. The overall goal of our environment is to
reduce stress and foster a sense of well-being, which aides in your
The facility is a Texas Department of
State Health Services (SHS) licensed hospital with Accreditation from
the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
(JCAHO) and Medicare Certification (October 2009).
Services Offered by Our Austin Medical Center
We know you have a choice when selecting an Austin medical center and we appreciate the opportunity to serve you. Austin Surgical Hospital offers experienced surgeons, large private rooms, and individualized patient care from a team of experts ranging from leading Austin ENT specialists to OB/GYN care providers. Working together with Austin’s top board certified surgeons, our hospital is committed to innovation and clinical quality. Austin Surgical Hospital is a 23-bed facility that offers a specialized team of healthcare professionals who understand your needs and concerns. The overall goal of our environment is designed to reduce stress and foster a sense of well-being, which aides in your recovery.- Pain Management
- Plastic Surgery
- Podiatric Surgery
- Radiology
- Reconstructive Surgery
- Spine Surgery
- Weight Loss Surgery
- Wound Care and Hyperbaric
About Austin Surgical Hospital
What makes Austin Surgical Hospital the health clinic Austin relies on for superior patient care? Austin Surgical Hospital is a Texas Department of State Health Services licensed hospital with Joint Commission Accreditation and Medicare Certification. As a leading health clinic in Austin Texas, Austin Surgical Hospital specializes in inpatient surgery and outpatient procedures. The hospital offers an advanced imaging department and a specialized clinical team who provides the highest quality patient care.Facility Information
- 6 operating rooms for inpatient and out patient surgery
- 21 private inpatient rooms, each with personal balcony
- ICU with 2 patient rooms
- Emergency services
- Advanced radiological and diagnostic imaging facility
- Wound care and hyperbaric center
- 2 room sleep lab
- Onsite chef and culinary team
Physician Owned
The surgical hospital model focuses on excellence in surgical health care, diagnostic imaging and all related services. As compared to a large general hospital, Austin Surgical Hospital has a more specialized focus, is owned and managed by local physicians and has a high nurse-to-patient ratio. Each physician plays an active role in creating the mission and philosophy for the hospital. Every doctor has a personal interest in the day-to-day operations and plays an integral role in developing the quality, spirit and direction of the hospital.Austin Surgical Hospital believes that the best medical care involves patient choice. We believe you have the right to choose your physician, your treatment AND you have the right to choose your hospital.
The entire Austin Surgical Hospital family understands and appreciates the trust you have placed in us by allowing us to care for you. Our intention is to merit your continued confidence through the strong commitment to service and clinical excellence.
The results… surgical hospital studies report
- Low infection rates
- High nurse to patient coverage ratio
- High inpatient, physician and employee satisfaction
Physician Directory
Austin Surgical Hospital is dedicating to maintaining its status as the medical center Austin trusts for the highest quality patient care. The following directory lists physician names and specialty for our physicians. Click on the physician name to see practice and contact details.Physician Name | Specialty |
Abikhaled, John A. M.D. | General Surgery |
Albrecht, Michael M.D. | Orthopedic Surgery |
Asfouri, Souhail M.D. | Gynecology (GYN) |
Blais, Robert M.D. | Orthopedic Surgery |
Brady, Bridget M.D. | General Surgery |
Breazeale, Nathan M. M.D. | Orthopedic Surgery |
Briggs, Russell MD | ENT Service |
Bruce, Jinnie A MD | Weight Loss Surgery |
Buck, Brian M.D. | Pain Management |
Buster, Edwin R. M.D. | Spine Surgery |
Clark, Stephen S MD | Weight Loss Surgery |
Clement, Robert M.D. | Plastic Surgery |
Crawford, Lauren M.D. | Plastic Surgery |
Cunningham, F. Kelly M.D. | Orthopedic Surgery |
Dillawn, Patrick C MD | Weight Loss Surgery |
DuBois, Craig M.D. | Pain Management |
Elenz, Douglas R. M.D. | Orthopedic Surgery |
Fass, Steven M.D. | General Surgery, Weight Loss Surgery |
Faulkenberry, Timothy M.D. | General Surgery, Weight Loss Surgery |
Fernandez, Jim B. M.D. | Pain Management |
Fuller, Rob M.D. | General Surgery |
Ganta, Sashidhar M.D. | Weight Loss Surgery |
Garcia Jr., Peter M. M.D. | Orthopedic Surgery |
Gorman, William M.D. | Plastic Surgery |
Gupta, Rajat M.D. | Pain Management |
Hall, Jeffrey M.D. | Plastic Surgery |
Haydon, Michael M.D. | Plastic Surgery |
Hyde, Carolyn M.D. | Orthopedic Surgery |
Kilbride, Earl M.D. | Orthopedic Surgery |
Kim, Stanley M.D. | Spine Surgery |
Krych, Steven DPM | Podiatric Surgery |
Longoria, Mario A MD | Weight Loss Surgery |
Mahendru, Vivek M.D. | Pain Management |
Malone, III, C. Bruce M.D. | Orthopedic Surgery |
Manuel, Jacob | Orthopedic Surgery |
Marquez, Nancy G MD | Weight Loss Surgery |
Martinez, Kelly M.D. | General Surgery |
Meynig, Jeffrey T. M.D. | General Surgery |
Moghadam, Kenneth | Infertility & Reproductive Endocrinology; In-Vitro Fertilization |
Moore, Frosty M.D. | Orthopedic Surgery |
Oliver, Paula M.D. | General Surgery, Weight Loss Surgery |
Oswalt, Charles M.D. | General Surgery |
Patel, Anant M.D. | Spine Surgery |
Pearce, John M.D. | Orthopedic Surgery |
Pearce, Stephen M.D. | Orthopedic Surgery |
Savage, David M.D. | Orthopedic Surgery |
Schoch, III, Eugene M.D. | Orthopedic Surgery |
Sherrod, Mark M.D. | General Surgery, Weight Loss Surgery |
Smith, Scott M.D. | Orthopedic Surgery |
Smoot, J. Brannan M.D. | Orthopedic Surgery |
Stierman, Karen MD | ENT Service |
Sullivan, Brian M.D. | Orthopedic Surgery |
Tibbetts, Ryan | Orthopedic Surgery |
Tsourmas, Nicholas M.D. | Orthopedic Surgery |
Von Rueden, Kurt M.D. | Spine Surgery |
Wilder, Alfred M.D. | Plastic Surgery |
Wills, Robert M.D. | Pain Management |
Windler, E. Carey M.D. | Orthopedic Surgery |
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