In general, any food that is labeled "organic" must be produced without artificial fertilizers, synthetic pesticides, bioengineering, or radiation (used to kill bacteria).

Prior to labeling a product as "organic," a government-approved certifier must first inspect the farm and ensure that the farmer adheres to specific standards that are regulated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Furthermore, organic crops are produced with earth-friendly processes using renewable resources to protect the environment for our future generations. Just as important, animals on organic farms are raised without antibiotics, genetic modification, or growth hormones.
Is organic food really more expensive than regular food?
Yes... but. By comparing the price of organic food to "regular" food, in general, you will see a price difference of 30–50% or more at first. But when you take a minute to think of the side-effects of the 14 Common Foods To Cut Down Or Cut Out (such as, Artificial Food Colorings, BHT and BHA or other chemical preservatives, MSG, aspartame, and pesticides), organic foods ...
may not seem expensive after all.
The bottom line is:
1) Choose organic foods if available and possible.
2) Wash all fresh fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating or cooking.
You could try the following, especially for non-organic fresh fruits and vegetables:
• Squeeze half a lime or lemon into clean water and soak your fruits or vegetables for five minutes. Then wash or scrub your fresh fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating or cooking.
• Or use 100% natural fruits and vegetables wash.
Try exploring your local "Mom and Pop" grocery stores. Some of them have already started carrying fresh and packaged organic foods. If you are lucky, those stores may price their organic foods very competitively with their conventional foods. As for your favorite chain grocery stores, they may offer discounts on different organic items on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.
Cut down on your junk food purchases and save some money for organic food.
If you are eating out, save the money you were spending on soft drinks and desserts, and use it for organic foods instead.
At least three positive things can happen if you substitute soda with water and cut down on desserts:
1. You will have saved enough money to buy organic foods.
2. You can cut down on sugar, salt, MSG, saturated fat and trans fats, naturally.
3. Your self-esteem and confidence will go up because you are able to control your thoughts and resist those unhealthy foods' temptations.
Alex Ong has experience in the food industry as a marketing executive. He conquered his obesity and high cholesterol at age 30, when he developed his own natural weight-loss system, the 5 Color Belts Eating Formula.
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